Friday, October 19, 2012

Poor Man's Cookies (Ghribat Zit)

So the name is not a real translation for what the cookies are really called (oil cookies) but that is what I feel they should be called because this is the cheapest cookie anyone could make. It's funny how kids see things so much differently than adults; I remember that we would never have these at home because my mom would make just about any other type of cookies but these...I guess they were considered an "unclassy" cookie to offer to your guests maybe?! I don't know but I feel like it would be the equivalent of offering your guests some twinkies with their coffee :-) I loved them anyway!!

These cookies used to be sold in every corner grocer in Casablanca at least, I am not sure about the other regions but I know that it's not common any more and now I make my own once in a while for childhood memories' sake! The ingredients are in every kitchen's pantry.


4 cups of flour
1 cup of sugar
1 cup of canola or vegetable oil
1/2 teaspoon of baking powder
1/2 teaspoon of vanilla extract
Small pinch of salt
Almonds or chocolate chips for decorating (optional)


Mix all the ingredients with the tips of your fingers without kneading or over mixing...same way you would proceed with a pie crust (this is key to a crumbly texture). form a ball and let it rest for 15 minutes wrapped in plastic wrap
Form little balls and bake them in a 325 degree oven for 15 to 20 minutes. It should not change color all over only become a little golden from the bottom.
Let cool before serving.

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